Saturday, May 9, 2015

Swiss Vapeur Parc, Le Bouveret, Suisse

I love trains.
Aku suka naik kereta api :).
Rasanya lucu..
Tuuut tuuut...

with Bapak..


Waktu di Geneve, aku jalan-jalan sama mama, bapak dan Obi et Swiss Vapeur Parc Le Bouveret, Suisse.

Itu taman bagus dengan kereta api kecil-kecil.
Tapi kita bisa naik ke atasnya.
Terus keliling - keliling.

It was fun.
I really enjoyed it.
I keep in the photos.

They also have castles.

And flowers.

Some souvenirs, too...

Many trains come and go.
With different types and designs.

Black, red, green..and white, too.

Kamu suka naik kereta juga ngga?
Tuuut tuuuuuut....


  1. Aku juga suka naik kereta bo... kecil2 jd blogger ya? Hihi good luck bo

  2. My sons love trains to! Toy wise we have: Team GeoTrax and Thomas. The boys loved them so much that we went to Chicago on a train. It was a surprise. They were so excited when we got to the station.
