Monday, August 8, 2016

pokemon play

Do you like Pokemon?

My friends Chiara, and Damian inspired me to play pokemon which is a card game where you have to battle with your cards.

Do you know Pokemon?

Have you seen them on TV? you also play Pokemon GO :)?

But this is not about Pokemon Go.
It's about the trading and games we have with the cards.

Pokemon stands for Pocket Monsters.

They are cool!
And there are many types of them.
Each of them have their own skills and combat power. They come in different shapes, colors and sounds as well.

 If you want more information go to www. pokemon. com. 

There are many different stages of pokemon.

There are 1 basic, 2 stage 1. 3 stage 2, stage 2 is the final evolution.

Pokemon are made up animals to fight. 
There are many different types of pokemon like grass, water, fire, metal, physic, fighting, and other types. check out these pokemon! 

My favorite pokemon is Trevenant because he is an EX which means he is strong. 

I like all the mega's because their attacks are powerful to knock all you're opponents pokemon.

Before I can buy a set of cards, I have to collect some money and help my mom with some household chores. I read books as well to get more points.

I guess I will get back with more stories and pokemons.

Which one is your favorite?